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Coding a Personal History of Hyperplastic Colon Polyps

Published on 

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

 | FAQ 
 | Coding 

Our gastroenterologists rarely state if a patient’s personal history of colon polyps is adenomatous in nature or hyperplastic, or both. Typically, the documentation only reflects that the patient has a “history of colon polyps”. If the physician specifies the patient’s previous colon polyps as being hyperplastic, what ICD-10-CM diagnosis code should be assigned?


For a personal history of hyperplastic colon polyps, assign ICD-10-CM diagnosis code Z87.19 (personal history of other diseases of the digestive system).

Article Author: Jeffery Gordon, RN, MSN, CCA, COC
Jeffery Gordon, RN, MSN, CCA, COC, is the Manager of Outpatient Medical Review at Medical Management Plus, Inc. Jeff has over thirty-five years of experience in healthcare including Critical Care, Infection Control, Quality Assurance, Medical Necessity, Outpatient Coding, Medicare Claims data analysis and Medical Record review.

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